words from military wife
"please everybody, enjoy your weekend but please remember this is not just a long weekend.
our veterans and their families
make some incredible
sacrifices that civilians will
never understand.
keep this image in mind.
this is and 8 year old girl who just watched her daddy get on a helicopter to leave for a year.
there are millions of other little girls just like her."
as i scrolled through my news feed yesterday and today, i was touched by so many family, friends, thirty-one sisters, acquaintances and facebook friends as they were posting heartfelt messages and photos. i really wanted to share a few with you.
today is veteran's day...a day we honor those who have served in our military.
the past and present hero's that defend our country and fight so america can be the land of the free.
this day and and every day i truly thank you and your families for the sacrifices you make for all of us.
i am thankful to the wives and husbands for being the rock...being a strong support of their veteran and their children
i am thankful to the children for some how finding a way to get through each day without their mom or dad during a deployment or even a loss.
i am thankful to family members and siblings for supporting your heroes.
this war has been going on for so long and has affected so many.
so not just today but every day. show your respect...
with a smile, a wave, a salute, a handshake, a hug
maybe pick up a tab or a coffee or put a thank you note on a car windshield of someone whose car wears a bumper sticker or window cling indicating they are military.
because not just today but every day these men and women should be honored for all of the heroic sacrifices they make...
my deepest thank you!
amanda posted
"yesterday i picked my husband up after
a 6 month deployment to afghanistan...in columbus ohio!!!
happy veterans day!"
(pictured above)
master sergeant eric lewis
"often our accomplishments
and success are due
to the support
and stability in our lives,
need i say more...
(pictured right)
love you cousin!
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