Monday, May 16, 2011

wisdom teeth, legos, cheerios…oh and monsters

So our crazy busy weekend was only crazy : ) Mike had the last 2 of his seven wisdom teeth pulled. Yes that is correct he had seven all together, 5 were removed a while back and two were left which were taken out Friday. Everything went well and the teeth were out in 7 minutes maybe less. Mike is on the mend but not without some care and love from me. ; ) Friday night Ethan woke up with the striated breathing all of us moms who have heard it we know what it means so off to the doctors we went Saturday morning and Ethan indeed had an upper Respiratory infection. So in we stayed all weekend.

We colored, and played and built things with Legos...Oh and this is Ethan helping to clean up : ) He doesn't look very sick...

Ethan also found that Cheerios stick to your face when you put your face down into the bowl... There were a few more but they fell off as I dashed for the camera.

Ane we cuddled, ate popcorn and watched Monsters Inc...a few times.

So my very busy weekend turned into hanging with my boys, relaxing and resting. Not a bad deal at all it was great. Ethan and Mike are thankfully on the mend.


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